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Zidane from Egypt Sign in Terrorist List

Cairo - The Egyptian government shocked the entire people for entering one of the most famous athletes in the country in a terrorist list. The former footballer, Mohamed Aboutrika who earned the nickname "Zidane from Egypt", included in the list of people who are involved in terrorism for suspected links with the Muslim Brotherhood (IM).
Reporting from Marca, the football fan in the country was admitted in shock and called the government's unjust to put former Egyptian national team midfielder was in the list of terrorists. Though Aboutrika had defended the Egyptian national team for more than a decade. He is also considered to be one of the most famous athletes in the era.
Aboutrika has denied supporting IM. The 38-year-old man is considered to provide support in the campaign of former elected president in 2012. Then, all assets frozen Aboutrika committee formed to seize and manage the property and funds IM. Aboutrika also exploited an institution of local and international awards.
Source: Republika, Friday (January 20th 2017), page 10th

Zidane from Egypt Sign in Terrorist List
Mohamed Aboutrika. Source: BBC

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