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Hundreds of Thousands Indonesian Muslims Protest Conduct Related to Alleged Defamation of Religion by Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaya

Jakarta - Muslims action demanding for resolving cases of blasphemy by Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaya Purnama in Jakarta, Friday November 4th 2016, the demonstration peacefuly and orderly until the agreed deadline, which is 18:00 local time. However, after the commotion caused by the misunderstanding that stems from the action of an individual student and security officers occurred.
Since morning, the mass peaceful protest began coming to Jakarta. They are derived from a number of regions in Indonesia has been present since two days earlier.
Meanwhile, mass peaceful action that are in the vicinity of Jakarta began to move since morning.
After the Friday prayers, the crowd began to move to the State Palace. In a number of speeches, a number of figures from various Islamic organizations in Indonesia expressed similar demands.
Indonesian National Police, asked to immediately resolve cases of blasphemy were allegedly by Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaya. In addition, the President Joko Widodo was asked not protect Basuki of the legal process.
"So, it passed away to the national leaders," said Indonesian reformer, Amin Rais. But the desire period of peacefuly mass action to meet once a dialogue with the President they did not materialize.
This is because President Joko Widodo was conducting a working visit in the area of ​​Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten. Around 15:45 local time, representatives of mass peaceful protest, especially from National Movement Supporter of MUI Fatwa under the leadership of Ustaz Nasir Bachtiar (AQL Islamic Center), entered the Keperesidenan Palace.
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Wiranto, who was accompanied by several ministers of Job Cabinet, hear the aspirations of the masses. However, meeting a dead end because they want to meet with the president insisted.
According to Wiranto, the President has appointed him and Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifussin, State Secretary Pratikno, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung, as well as National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian to see a peaceful mass action. Even representatives of the legislature was also present.
Wiranto rate, government representatives and the legislature is enough representatives. After meeting Wiranto and others, Ustaz Nasir Bachtiar said to the masses, is pleased if encountered was Vice President Jusuf Kalla.
Mass express their consent. Around 17:15 local time, the vice president met Ustaz Bachtiar accompanied by a number of scholars, such as Ustaz Olives Rasmin of organizations Wahdah Islamiyah.
After the dialog is closed, the Vice President to make sure the legal process against Basuki will continue. "We've spoken to friends who represent the masses. You Ahok legal process will be implemented decisively and quickly," he said. On that occasion, Vice President Jusuf Kalla also ensure that the legal process will be completed within two weeks.
Commissioner for Human Rights Commission Maneger Nasution assess Indonesian Muslims who participated in a peaceful demonstration has shown the implementation of democracy in a dignified manner. "This is the biggest demonstration of dignity and reformation."
Source: Republika, November 5th 2016, page 1st

Hundreds of Thousands Indonesian Muslims Protest Conduct Related to Alleged Defamation of Religion by Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaya

1 Response to " Hundreds of Thousands Indonesian Muslims Protest Conduct Related to Alleged Defamation of Religion by Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaya "

  1. what interesting how Indonesian muslim can choose peacefuly action rather than anarchy.
