Japan - A man from Japan, Otou Yumi completely steel-minded. He quieted his wife for 20 years. Because of the length of silence, the three children of this couple worrying.
Their youngest son, Yoshiki, asking for help a television shows to reunite father and mother. "My father was silent only when spoken to by the mother. They did not fight, but also do not talk," said the young man of 18 years to the Metro.
In the television show, Otou explain the reason he don't talk to his wife. "When the children were born, my wife was so busy taking care of them. I'm jealous, so cranky," he said. Otou expressed regret. The pair everyday life as usual. Eat together, sleep together, and in the living room together. When his wife asked or invited to speak, Otou will be answered with a growl or a grunt.
Both also put together a production team of the event. Otou and his wife met in the park where they were first dating.
Source: Radar Bogor, Tuesday January 3rd 2017, page 1st and 4th
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