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Agreed in Moscow

Moscow - The Palestinian government now controlled by Fatah agreed to form a unity government alongside Hamas. The decision was reached on Tuesday (January 17th 2017) evening after the two sides held a three-day meeting in Moscow, Russia.
The plan, Fatah and Hamas gave birth to a new national council also involving the Palestinians in exile. The council is also tasked with organizing elections throughout the Palestinian territories.
"Currently, the condition for the realization of such initiatives better than ever before," said senior Fatah official, Azzam Al Ahmad was quoted as saying on the news website Aljazirah on Wednesday (January 18th 2017).
Source: Republika, Thursday (January 19th 2017), page 7th

Agreed in Moscow
Palestinian activists waving Palestinian flags while holding a paper ballot during a demonstration calling for the election and the merger of Fatah and Hamas in Gaza City, Palestinian, Wednesday (25/1). Source: Republika

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