Tokyo - The movement of storms with heavy rain, known as Chaba Typhoon, moving toward Japanese territory. Early warning to citizens was issued last Wednesday, October 5th, 2016, as quoted by AFP.
Earlier, Typhoon Chaba has crossed the southern coast of South Korea, with winds that trigger immediate flooding.
Reported two victims in the incident that occurred in South Korea. Based on the forecast weather monitoring agencies in Japan, the storm moved to the north and east of the island Tsuhima, one Japanese territory adjacent to Kyushu.
The movement of winds estimated at 180 kilometers per hour. Japan Meteorological Agency issued a warning to residents of impending hard wind, heavy rain, high seas and floods are expected to hit most parts of western Japan. The Typhoon will reach Japan's main island, Honshu, Wednesday, October 5th, 2016 before moving to the Pacific Ocean on Thursday, October 6, 2016. About 208 Japanese domestic flight schedule had to be postponed.
Source: Tribun Jabar, Tuesday October 6th 2016, page 2nd
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