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Hillary Clinton Faced a Risk of Low Political Participation on Voters

Washington - Hillary Clinton faced a risk of low political participation on voters in the presidential election in November. In her campaign, Clinton considered to have failed to get the attention of key constituents, including minority voters and party liberals. This is called demotivate groups of voters to use their right to vote on polling day.
During Clinton's campaign, Trump did not deserve to be president with a variety of controversial attitudes.
Clinton target groups such as young children United States, blacks, to low-income workers who have been the majority of the voters of the Democratic Party.
Clinton renewed concerns the constituency of the Democratic Party is also due to the spread conversation between herself and a number of banks and large companies.
During the talks, a number of banks and large companies are called to pay her for fear of not getting support in conducting global trade.
Source: Republika, Wednesday October 12th, page 9th

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