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Evacuation of Syria Conflict Victims is Hard to Do

Aleppo - As a result of fierce clashes that occurred last Sunday, October 23th, 2016, there are at least 250 thousand to 300 thousand civilians trapped in the eastern region of Aleppo. Their condition was deplorable due to minimal supply of food and medicines so sputtered in a hospital that has been destroyed because of frequent air strikes pounded.
Parties UN also admitted the difficulty to evacuate because there is no guarantee of security. "There are many parties involved in the conflict and they should have the 'power'. Supposedly they have a vision about it (the evacuation). Unfortunately, no," said David Swanson, a spokesman for UN humanitarian agencies.
Source: Republika, Monday October 24th 2016, page 7th

Evacuation of Syria Conflict Victims is Hard to Do
Several buildings in the village of Haas were flattened by the air strikes. Source:

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