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US President Barack Obama Agreed Military Aid to Israel and Dozens of Other Countries

Washington DC--September 18th 2016, US President Barack Obama agreed military aid to Israel. Until 2028, Washington will disburse USD 38 billion to Tel Aviv. This jumbo fund exceeds the annual defense budget of Israel, as well as USD 8 billion more than the previous 10-year aid package.
"We believe this deal will give contribution Israel who are in a dangerous environment," Obama said after signing a memorandum of understanding with Netanyahu in Washington DC. The US endorsement to the Zionist state was recorded as the largest aid package in the history of Uncle Sam's Country.
Washington not only spread money to Israel, its main ally in the Middle East. Dozens of countries across the continent were also sampled US military aid. Egypt, for example, received USD 1.3 billion, the largest among African countries. Then there is Iraq and Pakistan, each of which received aid worth USD 300 million.
Under the new agreement, Israel obliged to reduce military spending, including fuel, of their domestic industries. Israel will have to use all the funds for the purchase of US military products. "The US also agreed to separate funding of USD 5 billion for Israel's missile defense program," so the contents of the memorandum of understanding.
Israel is not the only country that receive US military aid. In addition to the Zionist state, there are a number of Muslim-majority countries that receive the aid, such as Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Tunisia and Yemen . But Israel was recorded as the biggest military aid recipients compared to dozens of other countries.
Source: Koran Tempo, Tuesday September 20th 2016, page 25th

US President Barack Obama Agreed Military Aid to Israel and Dozens of Other Countries
Aid to Israel is still given the US , even increased , despite Netanyahu and Obama later clashed.

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