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The United Nations on Monday Held the First Summit Conference to Discuss the Refugee Crisis

New York--The United Nations on Monday 19 September 2016 held the first high-level conference to discuss the refugee crisis. Across the world there are 65 million people displaced from their homes. This number is the highest since World War II. They wasted as a result of conflict, natural disaster or extreme poverty.
Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon hopes this summit conference could address the root causes of displacement and to agree on a global framework to take responsibility for the immigrants and refugees. "Had to multiply countries that resettle people who were forced to leave their country. And the people everywhere should throw the hatred faced by many refugees, migrants and minorities," Ban said, referring to xenophobia or hatred of foreigners who are now beginning increases in Europe and the United States.
Source: Koran Tempo, Tuesday 20th September 2016, page 26th

The United Nations on Monday Held the First Summit Conference to Discuss the Refugee Crisis
United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, right, shakes hands with William Lacy Swing, director general of the International Organisation for Migration. Source:

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