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Iraqi Special Forces Began to Enter Mosul

Mosul - Iraqi special forces began to enter the area in Mosul, Friday (4/11). They move from the eastern part of the city and mengibtensifkan offensive aimed at repelling the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
The Washington Post reported, the attack began with artillery and mortar shells launched from several areas surrounding Mosul, namely Aden, Tahrir, and Quds. Then, from the west, other forces also attacked with the same weapon.
Meanwhile, Kurdish Peshmerga troops that participated in the liberation of Mosul operation of the militant group also attacked from all directions outside the city. They were assisted by US-led coalition, which launched air strikes and reconnaissance.
Iraqi forces began to enter the city limits for the first time since taking over Mosul ISIS in 2014 ago. Fighting in the city center is estimated to take place next week.
Source: Republika, November 5th 2016, page 6th.

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