1935. Monopoly is one of the most famous board game in the world. The purpose of the game is to master all the plots on the board through the acquisition, leasing, and property exchanges in the economic system is simplified. Each player take turns throwing dice to move the pieces. When landing on plots that have not owned any other player, the player can buy plots the corresponding price listed. If the plot was already purchased another player first, he must pay the rental fee amount is also defined in such games.
Previously, it had no similar games, including The Landlords's Game. Although it has been patented, no manufacturer is willing to produce a game that is widely until 1910 by the Economic Game Company of New York. The game was then studied Charles Darrow patented and sold to Parker Brothers as his invention. Parker then produced the game was broadly on 5 November 1935.
Source: Media Indonesia, November 5th 2016, page 9th
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