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The US military Allow Hijab

Washington - The United States military (US) now makes it permits its members to wear religious attributes when they served in the military. This means that US military personnel will be easily allowed to wear the hijab, beards or turbans.
"Our goal is to balance between readiness and safety of the soldiers and once to accommodate the soldiers to godliness, and these new rules enable all that," said US military spokesman, Lt. Col. Randy Taylor on Thursday (January 5th 2017).
The new rules set forth in the form of a memorandum signed this week. It contained a number of rules related raw revise permission bearded, turbaned, Patka, or wearing the hijab for Muslim military personnel. Hijab they should match the color of the uniform and plain, except for wear with camouflage uniforms.
Source: Republika, Saturday January 7th 2017, page 8th

The US military Allow Hijab
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